
Wonderful Teacher of my life
With a special gift for learning
And with a heart that deeply cares,
You add a lot of love
To everything you share,
And even though
You mean a lot,
You'll never know how much,
For you helped
To change the world
Through every life you touched.
You sparked the creativity
In the students whom you taught,
And helped them strive for goals
That could not be bought,
You are such a special teacher
That no words can truly tell
However much you're valued
For the work you do so well.
- Author Unknown

This message by my lecture shantha Chandika Abeyweera.
Executive Training & Development
India CADD center Course Trainer in Maldives.

  • There are many people in organization who prefer a friendly, cheerful face around them. Always try to keep a positive approach towards your work, be pleasant and wear a smile everyday.
  • If someone helps you with your work, be generous and say Thank You. Make sure that you are polite to everyone. Politeness goes a long way it can help you in career advancement.
  • Be a good listener and friend to your colleagues. These qualities help a lot, if your colleagues are want to share something, or just come over for a chat they can always think of you.
  • Don’t be self involved in work take some time out to become aware of what is happening around you. If your colleague is getting married go and congratulate them. If the person in the next desk has just lost a close one due to an ailment, go over and share his/her grief.
  • Be a good listener and offer to help your colleague or boss. Notice the things happening around, if someone is having a workload go and share the work with him/her.
  • There one major problem in the office is “gossip”. Never talk behind anyone’s back, if you notice that some people are gossiping, do not go over there and be a part of the conversation. Rather ask your colleagues who have problems with one another, to have a face-to-face conversation.
  • Whenever there is an argument or conflict arising between your colleagues, you should be the one to go and stop it. Give an appropriate solution for their problems and ask them to try and work towards it.
  • Keep a constant check on your ego you don’t have to be right always. Try to accept criticism and insult from co-workers if you are wrong don’t let ego come in between. This criticism and insult can prove to be constructive for you in the long run.
  • Do not judge anyone around you too quickly take your own time to understand people. Always think twice before saying anything, avoid any kind of misunderstandings. Always communicate in an effective way.
  • Be funny and witty at work. Make your colleagues laugh with your humor. It a great way to get people’s friendliness.
  • Stop complaining about everything, your colleagues won’t like you whining around them constantly. If you don’t like something’s around you try and keep it yourself, or share it with your friends and family.

This is my wonderful lecture at BCAS and also he is very talented. he is my tanning point of my lifestyle...

shantha Chandika Abeyweera. 
Executive Training & Development
India CADD center Course Trainer in Maldives.

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