About Us

W e l c o m e  t o...   
                            THIS MY OFFICIAL SITE

I am admin of this blog. I just started it for some fun but now I am trying to do it in a Professional way. I am a student of Graphic design and I love to share my Experience and whatever I discover. 
Hi am rifath ahamed nice to meet you!  My name’s mean is lovable person. I love true friend ship and. I’m 20 years youth.I     had a lot of friends in my city,my country and world wide. All friends are my best friends. mostly I got those friends by internet. i like to chat facebook  this e-mail id: viprifath@gmail.com  Now I’m a member of the CBPR. It is an INGO. Its main purpose is solwing conflicts.  
Now I’m a young missionary. Now I got more knowledge by CBPR. Hafeel, Risath, Hakeek, Sihan and I are there.
My dream is becoming a Graphic designer  . Bey I will reach my dream......"INSAH ALLAH"